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Annotated Bibliography

Annotated Bibliography

It took me a very long time to come up with the ideas I wanted to use on the project. The idea I have chosen is how World War II affected the lifestyle of people who lived in East Texas and how that was the polar opposite of what it was like in Europe. Once the idea came to me I went and searched through the archives to find the sources to use and I found a lot of good pieces of history to use. The amount of sources available was incredible and it was very hard to decided. I have narrowed it down to ten sources to use on these future projects.

The sources used in the projects are a wide variety of materials. From books that helped people write the history and bring it back to life on the pages. To the stories of older alumni of the college recounting their experiences while attending. The amount of information I was able to gather was amazing. The sources of the wartime photos were awesome and were able to help guide me along this journey to create these essays. The photos showed the enthusiasm and the happiness the people felt when it came to serving their country.

There is one source that contrasted with this positive lifestyle that the people of East Texas were living and that was the interview oral history source material. The source is an interview of a holocaust survivor and how she survived and made it to America. This shows the dark history of World War II and how it truly affected the lives of the people whom lived in Europe at the time. This was a good way to contrast the way people went about with their lives back then and it is also very helpful to balance the projects out.

With this unique combination of source material, I can weave together the projects about the history of the college and how it was affected by the darkness of war back then. I will also be able to show transition from the happy carefree environment to the seriousness of the war.

Busby, Mark. Cedar Crossing. Texas Christian University Press, 2013.Print.

This source is a book about a narrator who learns of a graphic event that happened in history years prior. This retelling shows a point of view on an important historical event. This is a good quote to use to express the ignorance the narrator had prior to learning about the event. This is a good source because the source is reliable and the fact it was good with the photo. This quote also very good with explaining the ignorance of the people of that time.

Conrad James, Reynolds Donald. “Professor Mayo’s College: A History of East Texas State University. The East Texas State University Press. Digital Collections, James G. Gee Library, Texas A&M University-Commerce. 1993. [Fair Use]

This source is a handbook of what the university was like when Professor Mayo was still around. It gives insight to what the cultural and educational norms were back then. This source is a good way to have a glimpse at the way people acted while at school. And how people behaved in general back in that time. It is also a very reliable source to use on the essays. And it is also a very interesting book.

Dickey, Richard. “Dickey, F. Richard, 1923-; Separation Qualification Record” Digital Collections, James G. Gee Library-WWII Digital Collection, Texas A&M University-Commerce. 1945. [Fair Use]

This is a documents that was given to veteran, Richard Dickey, when he left6 the army after World War II. The document describes all of the skills that the veteran picked up before leaving the service. And it also listed the new qualifications he gained as well. This is useful towards my project because of the link it has to the war. And how the people were affected by the things they picked up while serving the country.

Hettich, Hazel .“Hettich, Hazel, 1919-; Navy boot camp graduation class, women only.” Digital Collections, James G. Gee Library, Texas A&M University-Commerce. 1945. [Fair Use]

This photo is of a graduating naval class of only women in their uniforms. This showed the enthusiasm people had about serving their country in World War II. And this showed the difference between the people of then and the people of today’s culture. This is useful because it shows the difference of what it meant to serve the country. And how people were jumping at the opportunity to protect their freedom.

Jeffcoat, James. “Chapter 104 An Unforgettable Experience.” Memories of Old E.T. Commerce, TX: Silver Leos Writers Guild, 2010. 301-304. Print.

This is the story of a veteran named James Jeffcoat and how his life was after he got out of the army, and how he came to live in the G.I village. James Jeffocat goes into detail about the life he lived in the provided apartments on the campus. Since my story is on the affects that war had on the campus life and the students. This source was extremely useful to me and it was very interesting story about the changes the campus went under during the time.

Kammen, Carol. “On Doing Local History”. Second Edition. AltaMira Press, 2003.Print

This book is a written guide on the history of writing local history. While also teaching you how to write about your local history. This was a cool source to choose a quote on. And it also went really well with the photo . This quote was extremely helpful by sharing information on the importance of writing local history. Plus it looked really good with the photo of the print shop.

Kinamon, Buddy. Memories of Old ET. “Hazing As An Art Form.” Commerce: Silver Leos Writers Guild, 2013. Print. 81.

This story is about a guy and his experience in the fraternities and their lifestyle that they lived out while on campus. It is a cool way to see how people celebrated things back then and how much fun the students had. This will be useful as a contrast towards the dark war that is being waged across the world. It is also funny to read about their crazy antics.

Payne, Harold. “Payne’s Punch Packers.” Digital Collections, James G. Gee Library, Texas A&M University-Commerce. 1944. [Fair Use]

This is a picture of a group of very excited fighter pilots getting ready to defend their country in World War II. These people came from around the East Texas area and they were eager to fight for freedom. This picture illustrated how many people loved their country and how they were willing to die for it. It also gave us a glimpse back to that era of war. This is a useful source because of the fact it give such a good glimpse of the war. And how people felt about it back then was also very useful in the project as well.

“An Interview with Rosalie Schiff (June 6, 2007 Part 1of 2)”Texas A&M Commerce. Digital Collections, James G. Gee Library, Texas A&M University-Commerce. 2007. [Fair Use]

This is an interview with a holocaust survivor named Rosalie Schiff. She recounted her horrible experience of being raised in Poland and going through the concentration camps. Her interview showed how the people over there had a very contrasting life style to the people who lived in America back then. It also showed how going through an experience like that changes a person. And how she felt when she moved to America. This source is a very good way to contrast the lifestyles of the young people in America and Europe. It was also very insightful in showcasing the effects that war has on some one.

“Early Radio Show.” East Texas State Teachers College. Digital Collections, James G. Gee Library, Texas A&M University-Commerce. 1947. [Fair Use]

Early radio show is a photo taken of a radio show that was in the process of being recorded. The equipment is a really nice to see the way it was done back then. This photo was not staged because the look on that intern’s face ion the background was too hilariously lost. And the photo was a cool way to see the culture of the college. This is helpful in showing what life was like back then. And it also was very cool to analyze it.

“ Group Portrait, Circa Early 1900s.”East Texas Normal College. Digital Collections. James G. Gee Library, Texas A&M University-Commerce. Circa 1900s. [Fair Use]

This photo is of a group photo with Etta Booth Mayo and students along with her children. A good way to show the early history of the college. And how people lived back in the time period. The people in the photo were very important to the founder and his wife, which also shows how they influence the college back then. This is useful towards my project because of how the influence is shown and the people of the time acted a different way. And how the upcoming wars will affect the college.

“Print Shop, 1950.” East Texas State Teachers College. Digital Collections, James G. Gee Library, Texas A&M University-Commerce. 1950. [Fair Use]

This photo is of a print shop in 1950 at the college. This is a cool glimpse of the past and what writing technologies they had access to back then. This goes really well with the quote because they both show how people like to write and the shop is a good example of how much effort people had to put in to print. This source was useful because it went hand in hand with the quote about writing while showing a bit of writing history itself. This is the only picture I think could do the quote justice.

“Students Demonstrate Against US Involvement in Iran 1977.” East Texas State University. Digital Collections, James G. Gee Library, Texas A&M University-Commerce. 1977. [Fair Use]

This source is a photograph of a group of protesters protesting the involvement in Iran.This is view of what students were thinking about at the time. This a good source to accompany the quote because they both involve world affairs. It also is a good way to see how the students reacted to the world around them. This source was extremely helpful because it showed the difference between the narrator of the quote and the students in the photo. I also felt like this photo brought a lot to the post itself by telling a visual story.

Citations for DMP2

“ASTP Students in Class.” East Texas State Normal College. Digital Collections, James G. Gee Library, Texas A&M University-Commerce. 1943. [Fair Use]

“ASTP Students with Resting Lion.” East Texas State Normal College. Digital Collections, James G. Gee Library, Texas A&M University-Commerce. 1944 [Fair Use]

“Centennial Commemoration of Lion Statue.” East Texas State University. Digital Collections, James G. Gee Library, Texas A&M University-Commerce.1989. [Fair Use]

“St. Paul’s School, Concordia, MO-Scenes from the 1940s.” Ed Pape. Internet Archives. 1943. [Fair Use]

“Student Body c. 1920s.” East Texas State Normal College. Digital Collections, James G. Gee Library, Texas A&M University-Commerce. c. 1920s. [Fair Use]

“War Dept. Film Bulletin 27: Women At War & Bread For The Front (1942).” United States War Department. Internet Archives. 1942. [Public Domain]

“World at War (Part 2)(1942).” FDR Presidential Library. Internet Archives. 1942. [Public Domain]


Hettich, Hazel .“Hettich, Hazel, 1919-; Navy boot camp graduation class, women only.” Digital Collections, James G. Gee Library, Texas A&M University-Commerce. 1945. [Fair Use]

This photo is fair use because of the fact it follows both of the rules about fair trade. It follows the first rule because it is being transformed so that it is not a direct copy of the original image. And it also follows the second rule is that it is being used appropriately and it is not being over used to provide information and insight on my project.

Payne, Harold. “Payne’s Punch Packers.” Digital Collections, James G. Gee Library, Texas A&M University-Commerce. 1944. [Fair Use]

This photo is fair use because my use of it follows the rules of fair use. It was transformed a bit to fit my project. But at the same time it is not being used with the same intent it did when it was first put on the website. And it is receiving the proper credit it deserves without being over used.

“ Group Portrait, Circa Early 1900s.”East Texas Normal College. Digital Collections. James G. Gee Library, Texas A&M University-Commerce. Circa 1900s. [Fair Use]

This photo is following the rules of fair use when being used in my project. It follows the first rule of fair use by being able to be transformed while not being a direct copy of the message of the photo. It also was being used properly and had credit.

“Student Body c. 1920s.” East Texas State Normal College. Digital Collections, James G. Gee Library, Texas A&M University-Commerce. c. 1920s. [Fair Use]

The use of this photo follows the rules of fair use.It follows the first rule of fair use in my project because I used the photo to help get my story across.And it also received the credit and was used properly without being overused.

Dickey, Richard. “Dickey, F. Richard, 1923-; Separation Qualification Record” Digital Collections, James G. Gee Library-WWII Digital Collection, Texas A&M University-Commerce. 1945. [Fair Use]

This photo follows the rules of fair use in my project.The first rule was followed by the photo being used properly to convey the message of the project without stealing from the original source. The second rule was followed because it was not over used.

Sandbox 8 DMP2 Idea

When I was thinking about going deeper into the original photoessay that we had to do. This time I will be incorporating more photo of the war and more pictures of the people left behind on campus. I am going to create a good music vis garage band and weave this project together!

Since I am basically doing the exact same thing as the photo essay I completed, I am using my photoessay as the storyboard behind my project.